That’s very true, Linda. Finding what we love does not come easy. You are right: developing a skillset is very important when it comes to finding work that rewards us with satisfaction and financial provision.
You are hinting at something important, I think: that there are two main stages in our vocational growth . ‘Intuition’ plays out in the first as we listen to where our interests lead us and pursue those things without knowing where they’ll lead. Van Gogh, for example, went through many vocational options before painting and sketching got under his skin.
I think part of the reason Stone’s novel resonated with me is because I’ve tried out many different jobs in search of something that would be satisfying and provide for my family.
For many, the second stage — which you’re referring to — has to settle in at some point. In having a family I can only search for so long before needing to just pick a career path, stick with, and develop skills that will help me grow and continue to enjoy it for years to come.
I’ve finally landed in an industry that excites me and will remain challenging for years to come. I would not have found this had I not tried many different career options. It’s not my number one passion and love in life, but it’s more closely aligned with my interests and values than anything else I’ve done that paid me. And for that, I’m grateful! Thanks for your response :)