Member-only story
Holy Waste
Inexhaustible, endless giving
There is no creativity… without the holy waste which comes out of the creative abundance of the heart and does not ask, “What use is this?”
A few days ago one of my daughters came up to my wife and me saying, “Can you help me wrap up something for Talia? I want to give her a present.”
“What is it?” I asked.
“My legos!”
I looked at my wife, my eyes saying, You’re legos?! Are you sure? You got those for your birthday! You wanted them for a long time. Have you thought this through all the way? Don’t you think you might regret this decision? That you’ll want them back later?
We resisted the impulse to stifle her creative spirit, seeing the mirth in her sparkling eyes. We went with her generous heart, and helped her wrap up the box of legos. She gifted them to her sister. Her heart, full of the joy of giving.
Generosity goes beyond money. To be generous is a creative act. We cannot be creative from a place of stinginess. To live generously has as much — if not more — to do with our energy, thoughts, actions and skills than it does with money.